Next-Gen Campus Card Program: Strengthening Identification and Security on Campus

The recent trend of high-profile security breaches has placed an increased focus on ensuring the safety and security of students, faculty, and campus infrastructure. Today, institutions are leaning towards comprehensive digital security solutions to handle threats and protect their communities.

According to an article by EdTech Magazine, several U.S. educational institutes are leveraging security and convenience with the use of intelligent IDs. The article even mentions that around 10% of universities have completely turned to smart cards, and the numbers are growing rapidly. 

As technology has rapidly evolved, the humble campus card is no longer a simple piece of plastic just for ID or checking out books at the library; it has become crucial to the student as well as the building’s security. 

In this post, we will discuss how a next-gen campus card program can upgrade security and efficiency on your premises. You will also learn how to use intelligent IDs that can effectively address security-related challenges for your campus.

👉Also read: How Student ID’s Can Be Used For Contact Tracing

The Importance of a Campus Card Program for Colleges/Universities

The digital revolution has introduced numerous advantages but has also exposed institutions, including educational facilities, to various security risks. Now, more than ever, it’s crucial for institutes to implement digital security solutions to safeguard their buildings and community.

Here are some key reasons why adopting modern access card technology is vital.

  • Prevents Unauthorized Access

Unauthorized access to facilities such as labs, dormitories, or administrative buildings can lead to serious security incidents. However, adequate digital security measures, like access control systems with smart cards, can help campuses control and monitor access to specific locations.

The enhanced physical security ensures that only authorized individuals can enter these areas and access campus operations, thereby reducing the risk of vandalism, theft, or other security breaches.

  • Safeguards Sensitive Information 

In 2022, Marymount Manhattan College became a victim of a data breach, which resulted in the names, driver’s license numbers, Social Security numbers, and other sensitive information of certain individuals being compromised. 

Universities and colleges host a vast repository of sensitive information. It includes students’ personal data, faculty records, administrative documents, research work, and financial data. In the wrong hands, this information can be misused for identity theft, financial fraud, and even intellectual property theft. 

Digital security measures, such as ID cards with encryption, ensure this data remains secure and confidential, preventing unauthorized building access and potential cybercrimes. 

  • Creates a Safe and Secure Learning Environment 

Above all, ensuring the safety and security of everyone on campus is of utmost importance. A robust digital security system promotes a sense of safety and enables students and faculty to focus on education and their academic goals, knowing they are protected. 

According to a research paper published by Springer Link, the learning environment directly influences the students’ learning experience. 

With digital security measures, including surveillance software and card systems, you can enhance the building’s safety, fostering trust and peace of mind within the institution community.

  • Improves Real-time Monitoring for Quick Incident Response 

One of the biggest downsides of traditional security systems is the lack of ability to provide continuous, real-time surveillance. However, digital surveillance systems fill this gap by offering round-the-clock monitoring of the entire premise.

When integrated with smart IDs, these systems enable security personnel to detect suspicious activities instantly. For example, when someone tries to access an area they are not authorized to, the security team will be notified automatically, and they can take action to undermine the potential threats. 

  • Ensures Regulatory Compliance 

With the rise of data protection regulations, compliance has become a paramount concern for educational institutions. Adopting robust digital security measures helps ensure that campuses abide by these rules, protecting student data and avoiding potential legal complications. 

What Does a Campus Card Program Mean for Your Students?

Smart cards are revolutionizing the way campuses function, offering a multitude of features that cater to a wide range of unique students’ needs. From security to student convenience, these cards are a central component of a modern campus experience. Here is how introducing a campus card program can benefit your students.

  • Secure Access Control 

Smart cards allow personalized access to various facilities like study rooms, labs, and dormitories, ensuring that students can access what they need and when they need it. By requiring authentication, these cards ensure that only authorized individuals can enter certain areas, keeping personal belongings and sensitive information secure.

If a card is lost or stolen, the authorities can quickly deactivate and replace it, ensuring that students’ access privileges remain secure. Additionally, individuals do not need to carry multiple keys or remember codes, as smart cards like Totalcard Student Campus Card provide access to everything, simplifying daily student life. 

  • Ease of Marking Attendance 

Marking attendance manually can be a burdensome task, especially when the students attend multiple classes. However, with a campus card, they no longer need to manually sign in for classes, as the card helps record attendance automatically, saving time and minimizing errors.

Furthermore, students can monitor their attendance records, promoting transparency and allowing them to keep track of their academic commitments. From a security POV, the intelligent campus ID eliminates the risks of fake attendance, making it easier for the faculty to manage records. 

  • Hassle-free Event Tracking 

With smart cards, students can effortlessly register for workshops, seminars, and events, encouraging more active participation in extracurricular campus activities. The process of checking into events becomes swift, reducing waiting times, which enhances the overall experience. 

When linked with mobile apps, some campus IDs also send personalized notifications about upcoming events, ensuring that students stay engaged with campus life.

  • Cashless Purchases and Meal Plans 

Students can use smart student ID cards for all on-campus purchases, from meals to books and laundry, promoting a cashless and hassle-free environment. These cards can also be used to access shuttles and bikes on campus, making commuting more accessible and efficient for students.

In addition, the cards or mobile credentials can be integrated across various platforms, such as mobile apps allowing individuals to monitor and control their spending effectively.

  • Visitor Check-in 

Before the introduction of campus card programs, visitor check-in was a complicated process. As the students were required to take permission from several authorities, which was time-consuming and was not very secure. 

However, intelligent campus IDs have made visitor check-in more seamless and secure than ever. With the help of these cards, institutions can track how many visitors have checked into their facility and the time they spend there. While it means added convenience for the students, it also enhances the overall security of the premises. 

Are you ready to transform the student experience at your institution while improving the building’s security? Our smart card system is more than just a card; it’s a passport to modern, secure, and connected campus life. 

Contact Elliott Data Systems at 1-888-345-8511 or to schedule a demo and know how our campus card program can be customized to fit your requirements. 

How to Implement a Campus Card Program to Strengthen Identification and Security 

The implementation of a campus card program impacts its success. Therefore, it is imperative to do it the right way so that your students and security personnel can adapt to the change. 

  • Define Clear Objectives

Institutions must pinpoint the exact goals they aim to achieve, whether it’s enhancing security, facilitating transactions, or both. By identifying clear objectives, a roadmap for the entire project can be established.

Along with goals, you must determine the scope, including which functions the card will cover (e.g., access to premises, cashless transactions, etc.). Setting well-defined boundaries ensures the program remains focused and aligned with your campus’s unique requirements. 

  • Choose the Right Technology

Selecting the appropriate technology is crucial to ensure the safety and security of your students as well as the campus. For instance, RFID cards with built-in microchips offer advanced safety features compared to prox cards. 

Similarly, you must pay attention to the campus ID card reader/scanner, such as the “Multi-Technology Smart Card Readers,” to understand compatibility with existing systems for seamless integration.

Future scalability must be considered so that the technology can grow and adapt to your institution. 

  • Implement Security Measures

Security is paramount in the implementation of a campus card program. This involves employing robust encryption and authentication protocols to safeguard personal information on the cards. 

You must also consider physical security, such as securing card readers and other hardware against unauthorized tampering. An emphasis on security not only protects users but also builds confidence in the system, reassuring all participants that their information is handled with the utmost integrity. 

  • Educate and Train Your Students and Faculty 

Ensuring that users understand how to utilize the cards is essential for success. It involves providing orientation sessions, workshops, or online guides to help students, faculty, and staff become acquainted with the card features.

At Elliott Data Systems, we provide effective user training for our campus card systems to help your students learn how to use their new IDs. Our professional digital security experts can conduct live sessions to demonstrate how seamlessly and securely contactless cards work. 

Contact us today for more details on all-in-one campus cards, and make your institute more secure. 

How a Campus Card Program Can Address Your Security-related Challenges

Campuses today are faced with an array of security-related challenges that have grown more complex in the digital era. Fortunately, a smart card system can address most of these, keeping overall security intact. Here’s how:

  • Unified Security System with Ease of Management 

A campus card program can act as a standardized system across all institute locations, regardless of geographical distribution. By implementing the same protocols and access controls, campuses can ensure that security is uniform. 

For instance, by using the EPIC Track system by Elliott Data Solutions, campus administrators can remotely manage and monitor access through the smart cards, providing a seamless method to keep security coordinated across different locations.

  • Enhanced Physical Security and Cybersecurity Protection 

By requiring smart cards for access to specific areas, educational institutes can ensure that only authorized individuals can enter their premises, thus mitigating the instances of theft or vandalism.

The program can also let campuses integrate two-factor authentication, especially for faculty members, to secure digital resources, providing additional security cover to the valuable data. 

  • Advanced Security Monitoring and Analysis

By tracking smart card usage and other important metrics, the security department of a campus can conduct regular audits and analyses to adapt and improve the security plan. 

  • Improved Communication and Personalized Information Distribution

Smart cards can be linked to personal contact information, which ensures that essential alerts and messages reach students and staff promptly through various channels, including emails, text messages, or app notifications.

Using the smart card tracking system, campus administrators can get tailored information relevant to each cardholder’s role and responsibilities, which they can modify anytime for better security. 

👉Also read: Upgrade Your Campus Card Solution Now!

Upgrade Your Campus Security with Elliott Data Systems 

At Elliott Data Systems, we understand that campus security is of utmost importance, and that’s why we are the trusted digital security provider for most colleges and universities. 

We specialize in advanced access control systems and smart cards designed to safeguard your higher education institution’s assets and protect your campus community. 

With decades of expertise and a commitment to excellence, we offer seamless integration, reliable installation, and expert maintenance of smart card campus solutions to ensure your peace of mind.

Take the first step towards a safer and more secure institution environment with Elliott Data Systems. Contact us today to learn more about our digital security solutions.