Integrating EPIC Track with School Policies: Custom Solutions for Tardy, Cafeteria, and Bus Tracking

One of the biggest challenges for every school or educational institution is keeping track of students throughout the day. From monitoring tardiness to ensuring safety on campus and during bus rides, it’s the institution’s responsibility to maintain a secure and organized environment.

However, managing these areas individually is time-consuming, expensive, and prone to error, so schools rely on EPIC Track to streamline these operations without breaking the bank.

In this post, we will discuss how integrating the EPIC Track mobile solution with school policies can help optimize the management processes. We’ll also learn the benefits of using our unified tracking system in your school. 

Understanding EPIC Track: The Ultimate Tracking Solution for K-12 Education Institutes

EPIC Track is a versatile tracking solution designed to enhance operations and student engagement in educational settings. It allows schools to track people (students, faculty, and more), places, and assets efficiently, whether for daily activities or special events.

By scanning barcodes with smartphones or handheld devices, EPIC Track helps record time stamps including the date during check-ins and check-outs, offering a seamless way to monitor student attendance, asset usage, and location changes from anywhere on or off school grounds. EPIC Track may also be used from a monitored PC station or self-serve kiosk station for check-on/out. 

EPIC Track significantly improves operational efficiency and provides valuable data insights, making it an essential tool for every educational institution. 

Tailored Solutions for Routine School Operations

EPIC Track offers comprehensive solutions that enhance the key operational areas within schools to create a more efficient and secure premise. Institutions can use EPIC Track for the following:

Tardiness Management 

Tracking attendance is crucial for schools to effectively manage tardiness, maintain discipline, and optimize learning time. With EPIC Track, teachers can easily and accurately record student check-ins based on their grade level by scanning the barcode or QR code on their IDs.

The student attendance tracking system significantly reduces the administrative burden by automatically logging attendance, allowing staff to focus on other essential tasks. Additionally, EPIC Track provides real-time insights to identify patterns of habitual tardiness, enabling targeted interventions and fostering a culture of punctuality.

The cloud-based software securely tracks attendance and stores the data on the cloud, making it easily accessible by authorized users and allows schools to generate detailed reports. It empowers administrators to implement corrective measures, ultimately improving overall class attendance rates and the educational experience.

Cafeteria Management

Students spend most of their time in the cafeteria after the classroom. By implementing EPIC Track for the cafeteria, schools can provide a smooth and enjoyable dining experience to their students and faculty.

Our advanced tracking system optimized this process by accurately tracking student entries. Cafeteria monitors can verify students being present at the designated lunch hour, track purchases against student lunch accounts and track time spent in the cafeteria by accessing data from the EPIC Track app. EPIC Track captures valuable data, provides greater accountability and empowers staff to work more efficiently.

The super administrator gets full access and can adjust lunch breaks, while lunch room monitors can easily check in students using their smartphone, streamlining the entire process. All the data scanned through a mobile device gets recorded, and admins can use the reporting feature to track the time students spend outside their classes.

School Bus Management 

Transport safety and efficiency are paramount in school operations, and EPIC Track enhances bus management through precise monitoring.  The system allows schools to efficiently manage student, faculty, and driver activity data within its database. 

Administrators can easily assign buses to students by scanning their ID cards, which helps facilitate smooth logistics for activities such as field trips. 

EPIC Track streamlines bus management by providing admins with accurate information on student boarding and departing times. This ensures that no student is left behind with students being identified enroute and everyone has boarded the right bus. 

By integrating EPIC Track into routine operations, K-12 institutions can improve efficiency and safety while conveniently managing a fleet of buses.

Benefits of Integrating EPIC Track with School Policies

EPIC Track is an all-in-one digital solution that can streamline administrative workflows throughout an organization. Here are some of the benefits of integrating EPIC Track with your school systems:

Enhanced Efficiency 

EPIC Track automates processes such as tracking attendance and assigning assets, reducing the workload. Additionally, it eliminates paperwork since all the data is stored in a cloud database, which designated admins can access using the mobile app or PC. 

Improved Student Safety 

By accurately tracking student movements and ensuring timely bus arrivals and departures, EPIC Track can maximize overall student safety on campus and during transportation.

Better Resource Management 

Schools can use EPIC Track in the library or other areas to assign assets to their students. By scanning the QR code or barcode mentioned on the student’s ID and the asset, faculty can securely allocate resources, thereby reducing thefts and wastage. 

Data-driven Decision Making 

EPIC Track generates detailed reports on attendance tracking, event management, and logistics. Admins can download these reports in PDF and CSV formats to make informed decisions. The real-time data is helpful in addressing operational challenges proactively, and improving policy compliance. 

Adaptability to School Needs

EPIC Track is highly versatile and customizable to meet the unique needs and policies of different educational institutions. For example, schools can add or remove events and make other changes to achieve specific operational goals. 

No Additional Costs 

There’s no extra cost of adding or removing entries from the database. This makes EPIC Track convenient and affordable for schools of all sizes. Also, the tool scales as your educational institute grows, and it’s the only digital solution you need to manage different operations. 

Get EPIC Track and Transform Your Everyday School Operations

Educational institutions strive to meet the demands of modern education, and integrating EPIC Track into school policies emerges as a transformative solution. With our easy-to-use tool, you can automate administrative tasks to focus on other essential areas required for the growth of your school. 

EPIC Track is a ready-to-deploy system that can be used by organizations of all sizes. Its mobile app and PC compatibility make it highly convenient to use by anyone. Contact us today to schedule a demo or to get a quote for EPIC Track. You can also dial 1-888-345-8511 to speak to our experts about your needs and get tailored solutions.