Mobile Solutions® provide identification and accountability solutions for corporations and organizations wanting to implement a fully integrated and effective ID system. Elliott’s Mobile Solutions® use a combination of integrated software and mobile hardware configured to meet individual ID and tracking needs with the ability to easily expand functionality at any time.
Support multiple departments, campuses, off-site locations etc. by printing and issuing color IDs for staff and visitors on-site.
Issue IDs to visitors and track their activity while on the premises. Print full color, photo IDs within seconds and issue to visitors to identify and track their activity during their visit on the premises.
Perform employee verification during any type of routine or special event on/off-site such as continuing education, internal employee programs, office events, etc.
Track assets assigned to staff and manage items of all types and sizes from small electronics to office maintenance equipment.
Monitor all data collected on assets, people and event activity at any time to evaluate time & attendance, determine credit hours, justify office purchases, etc.
Identify and track staff and visitor locations on company premises during a building evacuation to ensure everyone has safely exited the facility and has arrived at the mustering point.