Emergency Response

Emergency First Responder Organizations can create a comprehensive identification and tracking solution by combining Mobile Solutions® products that support three primary areas of Accountability; Credential & Data Management, Incident Management, and Asset Management.

Elliott’s Mobile Solutions® are modular allowing departments to build their solution using the configuration that best suites them. Start off small with one solution including one or two hardware solutions configured to meet some of your needs. Grow your system to combine more solutions and create a more advanced Mobile Solutions® System that support all three areas of Accountability.

Mobile ID: Personnel Data & Credential Management

Track & manage personnel or volunteer data and credentials across the state using Mobile ID. Use one centralized database to manage First Responder info, print IDs, verify credentials, and much more.

Emergency Event Manager: Comprehensive Event Management

Track and manage personnel at an emergency scene on-site using Emergency Event Manager Solution (EEMS). Issue IDs, create assignments, manage specialties & certifications, and much more.

EPIC Track: Basic Check In/Out Event Tracking

Provide basic incident tracking by checking First Responders and volunteers in and out of an emergency scene using EPIC Track. Track the person, their location and assets assigned to them.

Asset Manager: Comprehensive Asset Management & Tracking

Emergency Response professionals such as EMAs, police and fire departments can identify & track their entire asset inventory. They can perform check in/out & assign items to personnel at any time.

Data Server: Interoperability Through Data Sharing

Share personnel & asset data with a network of emergency response departments throughout city, state or nationwide. Increase interoperability & resources by working from 1 centralized database.

Mobile Solutions App

Perform event management by tracking and managing personnel and assets onsite using Elliott’s Mobile Solutions App from a smartphone, tablet or standard/enterprise handheld device making it an affordable option for extensive tracking.

Contact Us Let Us Introduce You to Mobile Solutions® for Greater Accountability.
