Corrections Manager

Enroll personnel by creating officer records in a centralized database that can be shared with other departments throughout the institution. Capture data with a simple scan of an employee driver’s license and enter additional pertinent information.
Create assignments for personnel based on their certifications and specialties to ensure their effectiveness implementing the task given. Assign pre-approved assets to personnel or vendors gaining access to a correctional facility to perform assignments.
Access pre-approved personnel/visitors/vendors on an airlock screen while controlling access at the guard station. Verify identity with photo, title, status, and list of pre-approved assets (Ex. Laptops, hardrives, smartphones, usb drives, etc.) before checking officers or vendors in and granting access to the facility.
Check people into their visit to the facility by scanning a bardcode (QR/1-2D) displayed on the ID card or scan proximity or smartcard RFID cards using an access control reader.
Collect data and perform check-in/out in real time from PC workstations, smartphones or tablets or wall mount access control readers. Work online/offline in real time with data stored locally until connection is restored.
Authorized personnel view event data and monitor check-in/out history from each access location of the facility remotely from any PC workstation. These reports make auditing and grant reimbursement processes much easier and more accurate than using a manual process.

Product Solution

Mobile Solutions® Corrections Manager Solution (CMS) software is comprised of Identification data management, ID Issuance, and event tracking features integrated to form a complete officer identity and accountability solutions for correctional facilities. Corrections Administrators are able to securely identify
and track personnel, visitors, and pre-approved assets before granting access to correctional facilities using a secure airlock process. Security staff are given a visual of officers and visitors at security guard stations before access is granted. Lists of pre-approved assets are also displayed on screen to verify authorization of these items entering and leaving correctional facilities.

Corrections Manager


  • Collect officer contact information, certifications & specialty information.
  • Issue positive IDs to officers, vendors, & visitors at guard stations.
  • Choose from multiple card designs and print IDs.
  • Perform airlock entrance security to check in and out of secure locations.
  • View officer photo, status, title, certifications, and skills at check-in.
  • View pre-approved assets assigned to officers entering secure areas.
  • View check-in/out event history at each guard station location.
  • Perform check-in/out with QR & 1-2D barcodes, proximity or smartcard scans.
  • Wall mount access controlled ID readers integrated with software.
  • Ability to work online/offline in real time with data stored locally until connection restored.
  • Ability to integrate with Asset Manager to assign and manage officer assets.

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